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In Loving Memory

John Aaron Duke

December 7, 1985 – November 27, 2021

Born in Houston, Texas, on December 7, 1985, John Aaron Duke, the son of John T. Duke and Marjorie J. (Josey) Duke, and the brother of Joseph T. (Joey) Duke died Saturday, November 27, 2021, at his home in Friendswood, Texas. At the age of seven, John was diagnosed with type one diabetes and it had a profound effect on him. For years he lived in the moment with the predictable results for himself, his family, and his friends. It was quite a ride. He could be the most impetuous, exasperating person you ever met. He could be the most thoughtful and most loving. He could be completely self-centered, and, in the words of an old song, wild as the West Texas wind. He could be a perfect gentleman, displaying an astonishing sensitivity to the needs of others. He had little interest in formal education. He had a keen intellect, was an articulate, engaging conversationalist, and a wonderful dinner companion. He had a rapier-quick wit and wasn’t afraid to use it.

John’s lifelong passion was saltwater fishing and though he accumulated enough custom rods and reels to stock a high-end sporting goods store, we always knew what to give him for birthdays and Christmas. He started fishing at the age of three and for many years he and his dad were familiar figures along the Texas Gulf Coast, fishing the bays and surf from High Island to the Laguna Madre. Using ultra-light tackle, John caught his first ten-pound plus speckled trout when he was ten-years old. It was one of his proudest moments. He had an encyclopedic knowledge of the Gulf Coast ecosystem and fished with some of the premier saltwater guides in Texas and Florida. He especially enjoyed his many trips with James Fox of Rockport.

Only his love for family surpassed his love of fishing. John took tremendous pride and pleasure in his family, whose roots run deep in Texas, Arkansas, and Tennessee. As a child he spent many happy weekends and holidays at his maternal grandparents’ horse farm in Tomball, Texas, and at his paternal grandparents’ homes near Hollywood, AR. In recent years every visit with his aunts, uncles, and cousins was eagerly anticipated, he and his black lab Charlie sometimes planning and packing for weeks in advance. These get-togethers spurred conversation for months. He also treasured time with his dad, delighted in the company of his friends, and adored his younger brother. But nothing approached the relationship he had with his mom.

She was not only his primary care giver, but his best friend. For years Josey provided a wonderful home, rock-solid stability, and unconditional love. She made certain John could indulge his penchants for fine restaurants, movies, offshore fishing trips, and travel. Often putting her busy career and her life in general on hold, she orchestrated John’s dizzying schedule of hospital stays, doctors’ appointments, dialysis, and other medical procedures. She prolonged John’s life many years while making certain that his quality of life was as high as his medical condition allowed.

For thirty years John confronted his health issues head-on with a singular determination and undaunted courage. Toward the end, the tumultuous years over, he carried himself with a calm, quiet dignity. He understood and accepted that life is not always fair, still meeting each new day with infectious optimism and an ever-present sense of humor. That sense of humor was there to the last, evident in those mischievous, twinkling gray eyes. He seldom complained, he never gave in to self-pity. He never, ever gave up.

Somewhere on the other side it’s an early June morning on the Texas coast, the reddish-orange sun slowly lighting a gray, cloud-dappled horizon. John’s there in the surf, waist deep in the gin-clear incoming tide, southeast wind in his face, throwing a gold spoon toward schooling specks.

Tight lines, John. We will never forget you.

John was preceded in death by his maternal grandparents, Buford and Marge Neely, and paternal grandparents, Bill and Betty Duke.

John is survived by his mother, his father, and younger brother.  Surviving aunts and uncles include Sue Wilson, Toni and Clark Garland, Sharon Minton, Joe Duke, and Jack Duke. Cousins include Jennifer Quintas, John Wilson, Jason Wilson, Aimee Garland, Courtney Garland, Mike Minton, Mark Minton and Ginger Walker every one of which he cherished. Other surviving relatives and friends include Terri and David Gerke, Johanna Hume, Nathan Stevens, Taylor Ward, Val Ward, Gail Creel and his black Lab, Charlie.

It is impossible to name the dozens of medical professionals who, over the years, gave John access to the best medical care in the world. Nonetheless, the family would like to express their special gratitude to Dr. Chau Vu and Dr. Kuldip Kaul.

A celebration of John’s life will be held on Wednesday, December 1, 2021 at 2:00 PM at 1615 Falcon Ridge, Friendswood, Texas 77546. It will be casual, but we request that people attending wear face masks as several friends have young children and grandchildren who cannot yet be vaccinated.

The family asks that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation or the Coastal Conservation Association.

Condolences may be sent to the Duke family in care of Jeter Memorial Funeral Home at www.jeterfuneralhome.com.

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40 thoughts on “John Aaron Duke”

  1. Josey and Family
    I am so sorry for your loss. I did not know John personally but did hear many stories during my work calls with Josey. My favorite was to hear about John's love for fishing and kayaking. Thoughts and prayers to you during this difficult time.

    1. Josey and Family, I am so sorry for the loss of your son, John. My Mother Lily Contos was at the nursing home where John spent some time. He was always so positive and smiling and friendly. My mom and our family are blessed to have known John. He always was so happy to see you when you would come to visit. So happy he was sble to spend time with Charle. Peace and strength to you and your family. Peggy Ann Contos Harvey

    2. Josey….it has been a long time since I last saw you with our work through JDRF. My heart goes out to you with this tremendous loss of your son.
      May God bless your family during this most difficult time.

  2. Josey – this is the most beautiful tribute to your son, John. While I never met him, I see him there in the surf. I am truly sorry for your loss and send lots of love and light to your family at this difficult time.

  3. Dear Josey and Family- I am very sorry for your loss . It is hard to find words to express my sorrow…Please know you are in my prayers and thoughts during this difficult time…

  4. Josey, I am so sorry to hear the news about John. He was blessed to have such a selfless mother who cared for him so well over the last many years. Please know you and your family are in my prayers. Much love to you.

  5. Josey, I am so very sorry to hear of John's passing. Please know I am praying for comfort for you and your family. Take care of yourself. Sending you all my love.

  6. Josey – this is the most beautiful tribute to John.
    I remember when he would come to the gym with you and he brought his new dog. I am truly sorry for your loss and send prayers to you snd your family at this difficult time. 🙏

  7. Josey,
    John faced many challenges during his life but tried, more often than not, to make the best of it. These challenges not only helped to shape John into the man he became but also gave him the opportunity to experience your unwavering and unconditional love as his mother. May the void you feel at his passing be filled with warm memories of your times together. Our thoughts and prayers are within during the difficult time and beyond. My God provide his comfort and peace in the days ahead.

  8. Alexander Marriott

    I am very sorry for your loss. This is a very lovely obituary–and I hope the donations to the JDRF and CCA in John Aaron's name do some good!

    My heartfelt condolences to all of you,

  9. Dear Josey and family, such a beautiful tribute! Although I never met John in person we talked about him each time we were on the phone and the first topic on our agenda was always to check how he was doing. You have always been with him in every single step of his life and all the good memories and the love you shared will always be with you, in your heart.
    Sending all my love and prayers

  10. Josey – I am so very sorry to hear of John's passing. What a wonderful tribute to John. While I did not know John personally, this tribute made me feel like I did. Please accept my deepest condolences and know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  11. Dear Josey – I am truly sorry for your loss. Please accept my deepest condolences. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  12. Hello Josey,
    I am so very sorry for your loss. To know you was to know your son, if only a little–he was clearly the light of your life.
    I wish you peace.

  13. Dear Josey,
    I am deeply saddened to hear of John's passing. Please accept my deepest condolences. The memory of the first time I met John in the Penzoil building elevator, back in 1998, when you walked in the elevator with two cute, playful boys, makes me smile and fills my heart with joy—sending you my love.

  14. Josey and Family – my heartfelt condolences for your loss of John. May you find peace in the loving memories you hold dear in your heart. Love and prayers are with you.

  15. Josey – a beautiful description of John. All mothers care for their children but your tireless devotion and care for John is one I'm sure he understood deeply. I hope that your cherished memories of him will give you comfort and warm your heart. We are thinking you and your family.

  16. Sympathy to all in your loss of this sweet son and brother. We love you John, Josey and Joey. Gerald and Carol Skidmore.

  17. Carol Hayes Skidmore

    Thinking of you – remembering that day when you first got John’s diagnosis so many years ago. What a path you have traveled with this beloved child. Sending prayers and much love.

  18. Kaaren Kargbo-Reffell

    Josey, I am so sorry to hear of your son's passing. I will be praying for you and your family during this time.

  19. Josey, so sorry to hear about John. You were a great mom, and made sure the time he had was the best it could be. Peace to you.

  20. Dear Josey,
    I know words can’t take away the hurt you’re feeling. Sending you love and strength in this time of loss. Please accept my heartfelt condolences.

  21. Josey and family,
    I am so sorry for your loss, I am heart broken for you all. What a beautiful tribute to his life! While I know that nothing can fill the place that John has left behind, I do hope that sweet memories of him and the years you had together carry you forward. Josey, I know the blessing that you were to him–you have inspired me beyond words!
    Deepest condolences,

  22. Dear Josey,
    My heart is truly broken for you. You were such an incredible advocate for John, and a role model for me that we can "do something" in the fight against type 1 diabetes. I can still remember your voicemails (Octels!) at Accenture leading up to the JDRF walk, telling John's story and encouraging our office to participate. I will never forget meeting John – he was the most gentle soul, so caring towards Charlie, and with a sweet sense of humor making Charlie laugh. Our family will honor John's life by continuing to fundraise until type one is type none.
    My very deepest condolences and love,

  23. Dear Josey. I am so very sorry for the loss of your dear son, John. It brought tears to my eyes reading his beautiful life's story. We should all live life to the fullest as he did. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  24. Dear Josey,
    I am so sorry. You have been the kind of mother to John that we all try to be to our kids, but few of us are. I hope you can find some peace and comfort in knowing that. So well done, my friend.

  25. Josey and family,
    We wish you the best memories that were the happy days of life for you and the entire family. We wish all of you sincerely the belief that you provided everything possible for your son. As a long standing member of JDRF we thank you for all that you contributed in the efforts to finding a cure. May the day come sooner that we finally eradicate diabetes.
    Our sincere condolences ,
    Sue Sue & Don Aron

  26. Josey, I am so sorry to learn of his death. You fought with all your might. He had an amazing champion. I hope you can find some peace. Thank you for all you did to help people understand this disease. My deepest condolences.

  27. Jennifer Pinson Herring

    Dear Josey,

    I am sad to learn of John’s passing, my deepest sympathy to you and your family. I know all the challenges John faced, you faced with him, advocated for him, and most importantly loved him deeply and unconditionally as his momma.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers and have been for a long time.

    Jennifer (Salmon) Herring

  28. Claire Markwardt

    Dear Josey,
    We are so very sorry to hear of your loss. In reading John’s obituary, it tells me of a mother’s love so unconditional-which is so easily imagined.
    Our love to you and your family,
    Claire Markwardt & Alex Ramirez

  29. Dear Josey, I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your son John. I'm thinking about you, know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  30. Dear Josey,
    What a beautiful tribute to both you and John. I know how much you love him as he loved you. My thoughts thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  31. Dear Josey and family,
    I am saddened to hear of the passing of your son John. It is so terribly harsh and against nature when children have to go before their parents.
    My deepest condolences,

  32. Maria Rivera-Vargas

    To Josey and family,
    I am so sorry to learn of the loss of your precious son John. My thoughts and prayers are with you all during this time of loss. I pray that he remains close to you always as you carry him in your heart.

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