A Dedication to Excellence That Has Remained Constant

Jeter Memorial Funeral Home

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Within 7 to 10 days after the funeral you should acknowledge those who extended special help, or sent flowers, or made contributions to designated charities. While you may also wish to acknowledge letters of sympathy, it is not necessary to answer notes or cards. Your funeral director may offer you a selection of acknowledgment cards, or you may want to use your personal stationary. It is also proper to acknowledge all that may have done special favors, the pallbearers and others.
Handling Letters and Calls:
There will be a number of letters and phone calls for the deceased and they may continue for some time after death. Do not let these upset you, remembering that these people are making an unintentional mistake.
The Estate:

Valid and up to date estate planning documents are extremely important, as they determine who is in charge of administering an estate, as well as how it is to be distributed. After the deceased dies, The State of Texas allows up to 2 years for the probate of a will. Therefore it is advisable to consult with an attorney, who is experienced in estates and probate, so that the proper documents are prepared, and that the probate, if necessary, is done professionally and with respect for the family of the deceased.
Life Insurance Policies:

It should not be difficult to find a representative of the company that holds the life insurance policy on the deceased. Your funeral director will obtain the necessary certified death certificates, and they should be submitted to the insurance company with the proper forms for payment. Payment is usually made within 30 days, and different payment plans may be made available to you. Your insurance representative will be able to answer any questions you may have.
Monuments and Markers:

A monument or marker should be installed when you are ready to do so. No one should make you feel rushed to make this decision. Jeter Memorial Funeral Home provides a very nice weather durable temporary marker for every family in every cemetery which allows us to do so. We can assist you with a monument or marker when you are ready. It is a wise decision to check with the cemetery official to find out if there are any restrictions as to size or material of the monument. Many different styles are available, and it is wise to take your time in making your selection. We will be glad to answer your questions in this regard.
311 N. Friendswood Dr.
Friendswood, Texas 77546
311 N. Friendswood Dr.
Friendswood, Texas 77546

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