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In Loving Memory

Elizabeth "Betty" Marie Sherlock Stacy

February 6, 1947 – July 19, 2024

Elizabeth Marie (Betty) Sherlock Stacy “crossed the creek” on Friday, July 19, 2024, in her adopted hometown of Friendswood, TX. Betty was born on Thursday, February 6, 1947, in Mt. Vernon, NY. She was the first child and the daughter of William

J. Sherlock and Elizabeth Marie Brodbeck. She is survived by her loving husband, Gerald T. Stacy, and her younger brother, William J. (Bill) Sherlock of Henderson, NV, and his wife, Lynne Shul Sherlock.

Betty leaves behind four children and their spouses: Elizabeth Marie Denslow, and her husband Steven Denslow; Brian Michael Williams, Sr., and his wife, Katherine; Gerald Spencer Stacy and his wife Stacy Statham Stacy; and Brian Tremaine Stacy and his wife Donna Stacy.

She also leaves behind three grandchildren: Sarah Savannah Faith Stacy (23); Brian Michael Williams, Jr. (18) ; and Lucas Tremaine Stacy (5). Sarah was her first grandchild, Brian (Beamer) was her first grandson, and Luke shares Betty’s birthday on February 6th.

She leaves behind three bonus grandchildren by marriage: Adam Robertson and his wife Angel; Oscar Page; and Payton Page. Betty met Adam when he was five and he captured her heart when he put his hand in hers at his Mom’s wedding to Brian Stacy. She met Oscar and Payton when their Mom was going with Brian Michael Williams, Sr.

She leaves two very special “grandchildren:” Kennedy Thompson and Kooper Thompson. Betty met Kennedy and Kooper through their parents, Kenny and Joy Thompson at church. These children held a special place in Betty’s heart, and they lovingly called her “Grandma.”

Betty was a loving and special person who leaves behind a legacy that might be matched, but never duplicated. She was unique.

The funeral service for Betty will be held at 11:00 AM on Saturday, October 19, 2024, at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, 1207 Winding Way Drive, Friendswood, Texas. Her ashes will then be placed in a niche in the columbarium in the church’s Memorial Garden. The reception will follow immediately in the church’s Sterling Hall.

Please do not send cut flowers to the service. If you would like to make a donation in Betty’s honor, make your check payable to Good Shepherd Episcopal Church. Thank you

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21 thoughts on “Elizabeth "Betty" Marie Sherlock Stacy”

  1. beverly powell

    Betty was a truly special person. Thanks and love for all your accomplishments and service to life and The Nook.

    1. Betty was most definitely one of a kind. Her presence will definitely be missed, not only at Church but also at The Nook where she served for many years. She was instrumental in getting me to serve on the Board there and very helpful when my husband became ill and then passed away. She was a strong woman. I am fortunate to have known her.

  2. Leola Hill Hancock

    A dear friend who, along with Gerry, gave love and support when I lost my dear Richard. Gerry described Betty perfectly. She was a blessing and treasure. My heart is lifting her family and many friends up in prayer. ❤️🙏

  3. Grieving and heartbroken but so blessed by our 50 years of friendship and the laughter, tears, and joy we shared.
    All my love and prayers for Gerry and the wonderful family that is her legacy of faith and love.
    Love you Betty. ❤️🙏

  4. It has been a pleasure and a privilege knowing Betty for all these years. I moved to Friendswood in 1979 and met Betty at Good Shepherd shortly thereafter. I always appreciated the fact that if I asked a question I got the absolute truth. She never wavered in truth telling. I will miss you, Betty. Much love for you and your wonderful family. Rest well in God’s loving arms.

  5. In the almost 25 years I have known Betty Stacy, I have been continuously blessed by her friendship, generosity, compassion, encouragement, humor, and tireless work ethic in both our church lives and our personal lives. She was a tireless advocate for the those who may have been struggling to deal with the issues of modern life, and she was a dynamo when doing work to improve their lives or cheer them up, and she did this in many ways. I could never figure out from where she got the energy to do all that she did. She was a great example of the golden rule. My life in the future will have lost some of it's golden glow as Betty will not be here, but she will still be an inspiration to me. I will keep Gerry and the children and grandchildren in my heart and prayers.

  6. Betty was a dedicated church lady. When I first went on the Nook Thrift Shop Board, I shadowed her to learn the job. We also played Skip Bo (card game) together at our church "Classics" group. She always brought Deviled Eggs which I loved. Her laugh was infectious and I will miss her.

  7. Mary Gillespie

    Betty was a giver. Of her time, talent, treasure, and self. If you asked for advice, you'd receive the complete, unvarnished truth.
    The last verse of the hymn "Awake" describes her life aptly:

    "To give and give, and give again,
    What God hath given thee;
    To spend thyself nor count the cost;
    To serve right gloriously
    The God who gave all worlds that are,
    And all that are to be."

    I am a better person for having known and loved her.

    1. Nancy Browning

      I first met Betty when our sons played baseball and soccer but I became a friend when I came to Good Shepherd as the first full time salaried Youth Minister. I found out that she was involved in many ministries and was happy when she and Gerry worked the concession at Minute Maid Park to raise money for the youth program.

      Personally she helped me when my husband died by visiting with a bottle of wine. We laughed about our divorces and raising our children. Betty was also the person to contact if you wanted to know something. Because she stopped by the church office almost every day, she would have the latest news on church life.

      She was a devoted Astros fan and she and Gerry went to many games. They also knew how to throw a party. For many years Christmas would include their party the first Saturday of December.

      I will miss Betty's smile and sassy comebacks. She is asking God in Heaven, "What do you want me to do?"

  8. Leann Loosmore

    I am so glad I got to see her briefly not too long ago. I admired her and loved her and will never forget her. Gerry your words are PERFECT ❤️

  9. Linda Lanier Ansell

    Knowing Betty, and being her friend, was a pleasure and a gift. Betty was as gracious, giving, and loving as she was truthful. She gave honest answers, was encouraging, but Betty also listened, and she was never judgmental. It was a gift Betty was blessed with, and I, at times was the recipient of this gift. She was there for me, like many others, without needing to be asked. Betty loved life, and was joyful. She believed in spreading that love and joy to others. What a blessing and joy that has been!

  10. Betty, I so appreciated your ministry to the ill and those in a hospital or home bound. You were so faithful to visit those in need. May God receive you into His loving arms of mercy.

  11. Frances Guilfoyle

    I was blessed to serve on altar guild with Betty for more years than I can count. She was a good friend to me for all the years I have been in
    Friendswood and I could always get an honest answer whether I wanted to hear it or not. I love her so much and will miss her terribly.

  12. John and I will miss our dear friend who was always there for us no matter what. We shared many parties, weddings, funerals, baptisms, trips abroad and so, so many laughs. Until we see you again, my sweet. We love you.

  13. Betty was definitely one of a kind and I am thankful to have known her. Volunteering at the Shepherd's Nook was always a pleasure when she was the director. She would catch us up on all the good things happening at church. I miss Betty's face in the choir.
    Betty, I miss you.

  14. Lynne Sherlock

    As hard as it is to believe, my sister in law, Betty will no longer walk thru our front door for a visit. I still keep shaking my head. My heart has been heavy during the last few months for Betty & Gerry, my husband Bill (Betty's brother), and her entire family. I've known Betty for over 40 years, and we've our highs and lows, tears and joys. BUT in the end what I know now was that Betty was most generous to those in need in her time and treasure. She was always willing to volunteer when there was no one else. She might have grumbled, but she did what others didn't. She'd take charge of a situation that seemed undoable, and she'd usually say what we all may or may not have wanted to hear and most definitely she'd find you the best bargain online. BUT mostly, most importantly, Betty loved from the depths of her heart. During these months I'm sure we've, including Betty, had our moments of questions. I hope you find some comfort in these words:

    While praying one day a woman asked, “who are you, God?”
    He answered, “I Am.” “But who is ‘I Am’ she asked.
    He replied, “I am Love, I am Peace, I am Grace, I am Joy,
    I am Shelter, I am Strength, I am Safety, I am Power,
    I am the Creator, I am the Comforter,
    I am the Beginning and the End.
    I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light.”
    With tears in her eyes she looked toward heaven and said,
    “Now I understand. But who am I?’
    God tenderly wiped the tears from her eyes and whispered,
    “You are mine”

  15. The hole in this world that is left is enormous. Betty is one of the reasons we came and stayed at Good Shepherd. She was such a supporter of our kids and always made sure Audrey applied for the ECW scholarship and encouraged Jonah and Anna. I’m so grateful for her life and will really miss her laugh and her ability to tell it the was it was. Our prayers are with you and the family.

  16. Dearest Betty,
    It seems not too long since I met you the last time at the church thrift store, but today I was really shocked knowing that you are gone. You are one of these impressive volunteers serving at the store. I feel the presence of Jesus via you all, whom I admire and like to see often. I miss you, Betty.

  17. Betty was the first person I meet when I showed up one Monday morning to become a volunteer at The Nook. She took me under her wing, and was always gently pushing me to reach my fullest potential. I remember telling her, "I will bag, but I'm not gonna cashier. I'm not good with numbers." She just smiled in the way she always did with that twinkle in her eyes, and here I am cashiering. I am a better person because of her and will miss her greatly. My prayers are with Gerry and the family.

  18. My deepest condolences to the family and friends of Betty Stacy on her passing. I worked with Betty on the Friendswood Library Board for many years. She always had a smile, and an answer for every problem. It was an honor to work alongside Betty.

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