A Dedication to Excellence That Has Remained Constant

Jeter Memorial Funeral Home

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Our Nation has elected to honor those who have served in the Armed Forces with special tributes and benefits at the time of their death.
At Jeter Memorial Funeral Home we are well versed in the various types of honors and benefits that are available.
The DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty is the most important document for the veteran to safeguard as it contains the necessary information to enable us to secure the appropriate funeral honors and benefits. We strongly suggest that you keep a copy of your discharge readily available (not in a bank's safe deposit box). Should you make funeral prearrangements we suggest that copy of the discharge be made a part of that file. If you do not have a copy of the DD 214 one may obtained by filling out a Standard Form 180 and sending it to the:
National Personnel Records Center (NPRC)
9700 Page Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63132
The Standard Form 180 may be obtained from the internet at: http://www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records/standard-form-180.html
If you do not have access to a copier we will be pleased to make a photo copy for your personal records or for your prearrangement file.

The Arlington National Cemetery Web site provides good, detailed information about the cemetery, it's history and the requirements for for burial or incumbent on its grounds.
The National cemetery system is Administered by the Veterans administration; its web site http://www.cem.va.gov is a source of information about various National Cemeteries located throughout the nation. The web site explains procedures and requirements.
You may seek out either of these web sites and communicate with them via e-mail, mail or phone. If you wish you are always welcome to call Jeter Memorial Funeral Home at 281-992-7200 with any questions you might have regarding the military funeral.
If burial is in a private, church or family cemetery it is possible to obtain military honors for the veteran funeral. Again, the Discharge or Form DD-214, is most critical to applying for the military honors at these cemeteries.
You will find that the Department of Veterans Affairs Web site http://www.militaryfuneralhonors.osd.mil contains up-to-date information on Military Funeral Honors and benefits to be quite helpful in answering frequently asked questions.
We are most familiar with the process of securing military honors as we regularly deal with all of the branches of the service in the course of planning funerals. If you have a question about military honors or benefits we invite you to call us. If you have a question that requires research we will be glad to help you.
311 N. Friendswood Dr.
Friendswood, Texas 77546
311 N. Friendswood Dr.
Friendswood, Texas 77546

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